JR Gore Creations

About JR Gore

"Writing is thinking through your fingers and painting with your words."

My Story

JR Gore was born in Virginia in 1957. His heritage goes back to 1680 when his ancestors came to the New World from England. His father was a preacher’s son, and his mother was the daughter of a civil servant.

He grew up fascinatied by history and the mythical aspects of religion. He enjoyed watching and taking part in a variety of sports, with golf being his favorite due to the skill and drama it provided.

JR Gore learned from his worldview to listen to both sides of every story and to judge people based on their actions and attitudes rather than their gender, race, or religious beliefs. His only prejudice—ignorance. His goal is to practice fiction magic by creating an illusion that reveals the truth.

Personal Reflections

JR Gore grew up in a much simpler world. A time when men always wore hats and women always wore dresses. An era when society had no reason to distrust their government and only feared God.

He watched as this world changed around him. Some aspects he embraced, some he despised.  JR Gore often reflected about that simpler time and why life has become so complicated today. Where did our innocence go? Why did we lose faith? When did we stop dreaming?

We now live one day at a time, looking back, hoping our past remains a safe distance away. The future has vanished from our minds, those visions of hope propelling us forward without ever worrying about long-ago.  Our lives are now ruled by complacency, while humility, the only noble trait left, has boarded the last train to harmony.

"Writing pulls back the curtain. The key to unlocking your mind, sealed by your inner turmoil. Allowing you to become a Demon Master by freeing your soul."